Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11 and Hurricanes

We might be getting a hurricane here. We'll know more a day from now. Meanwhile, it brings back memories of the year my daughter started college. She was trying to pack, her dad and I were frantically trying to keep up with the water seeping into our family room from the hurricane outside, and we didn't know if her flight would even take off in the morning.

A couple of years later, 9/11 hit shortly before my daughter was supposed to go back to college. We had family and friends in NYC. We talked about her options to get out to college if the planes stayed grounded and we talked about life and what mattered and of the grief we felt over all the lives lost in the twin towers.

If the current storm continues to head our way I'll bring in all my potted plants and anything else that could be tossed around by high winds. I'm ready if we have a few days without power.

When I think of 9/11, when I read about or experience things like a hurricane, I remember not just what went wrong, but also the things people do to help each other in such times of crisis.

Every crisis is a chance for each of us to rise above our fears. Each crisis is a chance for us to look at our lives and decide what matters most. May we always remember the lives lost on 9/11 and may we always celebrate the courage and concern for others that we also saw that day.

Sending blessings and safe and gentle ((((((hugs)))))),


Karma said...

I completely agree that crises are opportunities for us to overcome our fears. Sometimes the world gives us exactly that which we need to overcome. It certainly is for me right now!

Spilling Ink said...

I hope you are very far away from the area of worst danger, April. I found a news article that sounds quite dire. Take good care. I don't know how it effects you where you are, but here is the article I found.

Spilling Ink said...

Oops. I'll try again.

Spilling Ink said...

I am guessing you can pick it up in your mailbox. :-)

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

Sending prayers your way that you miss the worst of it!

April_optimist said...

Karma, Yes, though being in the middle of one of those experiences isn't usually fun...

Lynn, Thanks for the link. I've been keeping an eye on the news. At the moment it looks as we'll miss all but the edge of it.

Tamara, Thank you. Assuming Ike stays on the path currently being predicted, we may have some high winds and rain but nowhere near what they were saying at one point.

Kahless said...

Incredible courage was shown on 9/11.

Hope the hurricane doesnt hit you too hard.

Marj aka Thriver said...

Stay safe, and thanks for thinking of me...even with my "MIA Marj" status! ;)

Anonymous said...

we hope you are safe wherever you are and that the hurricane has not touched you.

peace and blessings


April_optimist said...

Just a quick note to thank all of you for your good wishes and let you know the hurricane missed where I am completely.